Comments: Easily one of the best fics I've EVER read.When Gaea ascends in power, the Olympians desperately seek help in the form of an unknown entity-one that knows them better than they know themselves. As Erebus, he had been the villain as Thanatos, he was Death's charismatic right-hand and as Percy, he was the lauded hero. Synopsis: History has a way of repeating itself.This is the one fanfiction that I actually see on par with canon, and if Rick decided to adopt just one fanfic into the official PJ world, I'd want it to be this one over the ones I've written myself. Extremely tight and entertaining writing, standing very much in contrast to most fanfics. The author's grammar isn't perfect, but it's been revamped, and the plot more than makes up for this. His flaws and powers are well balanced, and the author managed to make the reader sympathize with him through the whole story, even when he is not being entirely reasonable. the OC, Armani, is very well-written and serves as an example of a well-defined character.

Child of Artemis stories are usually very bad indeed, but this story is a shining example of one of the few ways a child of Artemis story can be done and done well.

Synopsis: An old fool's vengeance forces Apollo to keep a huge and possibly devastating secret from Artemis for over a decade, a deception that she may never be able to forgive him for.
Recommended by: Holylight88, Ronnie R15, tvtropesnoob, KrSpaceT, Geek Code Red, Nroque 18.It's very long though, with 105 chapters. The plot is COMPLETELY original, the characters true to the books, a dark explanation that sheds light on things the books have left in the dark that are surprisingly realistic and believable. At first, the quality doesn't seem to be promising but as I read through, this story makes everything else in the fandom pale in comparison. Comments: Good God, that story was intense.Mortals aren't as blind and powerless as the gods seem to think. Now the enemy has no limits, no safeties, no restraints. But there were rules and procedures to be followed. We've seen our heroes fight monsters, gods, Titans, and even the very Earth itself. Synopsis: The world is hardly ever what it seems.Really long, at nearly 100k words, and the author is still active. Fun original take on Percy Jackson, without dismissing Greek Mythology. Percy feels a lot more like your average kid, they point out how much he is basically a baby at the time of TLT, and how he grows up. They rewrite the story to show more human elements to the gods' side of the story, without diminishing the Generational Trauma that is caused by them. Comments: Every time I reread this fic, I wonder what the author is going to throw in with worldbuilding and mythological lore.And when the only available conclusion to all the evidence he's gathered is that he's the son of a god, what will he do? Synopsis: Percy may be oblivious, but he eventually figures out that something up when the fish start talking.I May Be A Dumbass, But I'm Not Stupid! by There's something in it for pretty much everyone, and I can almost guarantee that you'll love it. Currently there are over 300 original, well-written stories. If they don't like something about your story, they'll give you friendly, polite CC. The stories are much, much better than most of the crap you'll find on - in fact, a lot of them are good enough to be published! The users are much nicer, with not a single troll or flamer (and any trolls or flamers that do come will be banned very quickly). They made me care about the gods and their perspectives on the series. They're very angsty, but there's definitely some great cracky ones. Comments: Izzy MRDB does a lot of Oneshots in the Percy Jackson series, but also has a few alternate universe fics around novel-length.They're all very heart breaking and as someone who doesn't like au fics very much, this is the rare author that created an au fic that made me invested in the world as well as the characters. Comments: Cruelhighways does a lot of alternate universe fics in the Percy Jackson series.